The NHS Stompers Relay for Life team will once again host the Ram Restaurant Take Out Meal to raise funds to Stomp Out Cancer. The meal will feature ham balls, cheesy potatoes, green beans, dinner roll and a chocolate dessert.
Order forms have been delivered to businesses in Jefferson, Scranton and Grand Junction, but in case we miss you please call the high school, 386-2188, or email to if you do not receive an order form.

To help expedite delivery a few changes have been made. If you have a large order please consider buffet style serving. For businesses with various departments, please list the department where the meals should be delivered to eliminate individuals not receiving their meals.
The biggest change is two different delivery days. Last year the Stompers delivered 446 meals. This year to run smoothly, individuals in Jefferson will have their meal delivered on Friday, April 26. Scranton and Grand Junction will have their meal delivered one week later on Friday, May 3. “So please consider having a delicious Ram Restaurant take out meal and support Relay for Life,” said an NHS Stompers team spokesperson.
Orders for the April 26 delivery date are requested by April 17; orders for the May 3 delivery date are requested by April 24.